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Prof Stijn Vanheule is a clinical psychologist, professor at Ghent University, Belgium, and psychoanalyst in private practice (New Lacanian School for Psychoanalysis and World Association of Psychoanalysis). He is the author of numerous books such as Why Psychosis Is Not So Crazy, The Subject of Psychosis: A Lacanian Perspective, and Psychiatric Diagnosis Revisited: From DSM to Clinical Case Formulation, as well as multiple papers on Lacanian and Freudian psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic research into psychopathology, and clinical diagnosis. In this episode, we discuss Carl Jung, Jordan Peterson, James Joyce, and Jacques Lacan, the subject of psychosis and how psychoanalysis views so-called "psychopathology."
You can find more of Prof Vanheule's work at
Why Psychosis Is Not So Crazy:
RSam Podcast #64
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