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Prof Kenneth Reinhard is Research Professor of Comparative Literature and English at UCLA, where he directed the Center for Jewish Studies, and founded the graduate program in Experimental Critical Theory. He has written on psychoanalysis, philosophy, religion, and occasionally literature and opera. He is Co-Author of The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology with Slavoj Žižek and Eric Santner, and After Oedipus: Shakespeare in Psychoanalysis with Julia Reinhard Lupton. He is the editor and co-translator of Columbia University Press series of the complete seminars of Alain Badiou, and he has translated several of Badiou's books, including the culmination of his Being and Event trilogy, The Immanence of Truths. In this episode, we discuss all things Badiouean philosophy, Lacanian psychoanalysis, truth conditions, mathematics as ontology, love, politics and universalism.
You can find more of Prof Reinhard's work at
RSam Podcast #68
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