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Prof Sabina Leonelli is a philosopher of science and professor at the Technical University of Munich. She is well known for her work on scientific practices, data-centric science, and open science policies. She was awarded the 2018 Lakatos Award for her book 'Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study.' Prof Leonelli is a leading figure in the philosophy of data and technology and the philosophy of Open Science.
Dr Vlasta Sikimić is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science and a member of the Philosophy and Ethics group at Eindhoven University of Technology. Her research focus is on the Social Epistemology of Science, Metascience, Philosophy of AI & ML in Science and Philosophy of AI in Education.
With the rise of AI and Big Data, data's growing importance as a technological, social, economic, and scientific resource is conspicuous (and even concerning). In this episode, Prof Leonelli and Dr Sikimić discuss the ontology and epistemology of data, what kind of entity data is, and what data tells us about our world and reality.
You can find more of Prof Leonelli's work at and Dr Sikimić's work at
The Ethical Data Initiative:
RSam Podcast #63
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